as the key to success

Optimising a manufacturing process, building new equipment, launching an innovative product or even designing a new system: because success is at stake right from the design phase, the Ortec Group offers a wide range of multidisciplinary and complementary services to ensure the success of each project right from the beginning. Attentive, responsive, daring and precisely organised, the Ortec design office teams adapt to all the most demanding needs and requirements.

Our expertises
Design engineering

Multi-technical engineering

The Ortec Group offers a wide range of expertises in technical design and engineering, to respond to various and complex needs.

Expertise and digital technology

An essential expert in sizing and verifying equipment and facilities, the Ortec Group carries out all strength calculations and numerical modelling, meeting rules and within constraints.

General installation

Industrial design is the Ortec Group’ strength. Creation, modification or organisation of facilities: the Ortec Group offers tailored solutions for each project.

Product engineering

Innovation and control of the product lifecycle are guarantees of performance, the Ortec Group mobilises all its resources to support the design of new equipment.

System engineering

Faced with the increasing complexity of industrial engineering projects, Ortec supports its customers specifically on system engineering. The Group controls each aspect of the life cycle, from design to maintenance and operation.

Our markets
Design engineering

Aeronautics, Aerospace







Job openings : Design & Calculation Engineering

Ingénieur d'exploitation - chargé d affaires junior

  • CDI
  • Chinon, Centre-Val de Loire

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Ingénieur Projet EIA

  • CDI
  • Martigues, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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Stage Assistant Ingénieur Calcul (en 5ème année) - 13 H/F

  • Stage
  • Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

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