Prospectus histoire d'Ortec

History and achievements

Getting into the story of the Ortec Group is looking back on 25+ years of achievements and multiple company roots. Live the strongest moments that made up the Group’s timeline.

2022 : Ortec’s thirtieth anniversary

Several hundred Ortec employees gathered at the Group’s headquarters in Aix-en-Provence and several thousand connected remotely on April 23, 2022, to celebrate the Ortec Group’s 30th anniversary. It provided the opportunity to look back on 30 years of memories and projects… and to look forward to the future.

2022 : Welcome ATMNI!

ATMNI, a specialist in industrial cleaning and maintenance, joined the Ortec Group and integrated the Ortec Environnement branch in Le Havre. As such, the group reinforced its services range and its capabilities in industrial cleaning and maintenance throughout the Le Havre region.

2022 : Ortec strengthened its position in Canada

Ortec strengthened its position in North America with the acquisition of the industrial cleaning activities of Veolia Canada. The new Ortec Environnement Services entity employed 550 people in 20 branches across Canada dedicated to industrial cleaning and sanitation for industrial players and public authorities.

2021 : Specialist in the manufacturing of subsea structures

Orsam Oil&Gas was awarded a major contract by Tullow and Technip as part of the JSE project for the construction of 1,300 metric tons of subsea structures (suction piles / manifold / goose neck / jumpers, etc.) in Ghana.

2021 : OGD + Soléo = Ortec-Soléo

In its desire to improve service quality and extend its range of skills, OGD formalized the acquisition of Soléo. Ortec-Soléo thus became one of the national leaders in a sector related to climatic issues, notably by protecting against land take.

2021 : Remediation by thermal adsorption

Ortec-Soleo Rhône-Alpes installed 350 heating cartridges, 50 extraction structures, 3 gas treatment units and a water treatment unit to perform major operations for the remediation of soils at an industrial site in Pringy.

2020 : Recognized know-how in metalworking

Friedlander Amiens won an important order (36,000 inches / 200 metric tons) for the assembly of 84 tanks and mixers as well as a structural frame on the site of the motor oil and lubricant manufacturer, IGOL, in Nevers. The studies were carried out by SOM Industrie.

2020 : Kick-off of the EAS-u contract with EDF

SOM (studies) and Orys (piping) worked on the installation of new safety circuits for ten nuclear reactors (EAS-u), emergency sprinkler systems for fuel cooling in the core and storage pools. Prefabrication was carried out in the new 4,000 m² workshop in Pierrelatte, offering real-time traceability and production monitoring.

2019 : Brunet won a contract from Nantes Métropole

Brunet was awarded a purchase-order contract for the development and maintenance of high- and low-voltage power systems for the entire Nantes Métropole building stock (refurbishment of offices, lighting of the industrial halls, construction of storage rooms and a refectory, traffic lighting).

2019 : Oil logistics at the Kari drilling site

OSI Gabon conducted studies, costing and execution of oil logistics at the Kari drilling site, operated by the Maurel & Prom company . Ortec’s expertise was essential in ensuring the equipment transfers to difficult-to-access sites.

2018 : An exceptional decontamination project on the banks of the Seine

Ortec decontaminated an old industrial site in Boulogne-Billancourt – 6,000 m² and 13 m deep – for BNP Paribas Real Estate. Known as “Operation METAL 57”, this project, unprecedented in its complexity and located in a densely built-up urban area, was one of the biggest decontamination sites in Île-de-France.

2018 : Attending to the Palace of Versailles

The Ortec Île-de-France teams meticulously deployed a wealth of know-how and precise expertise to clean the ponds and dredge the aqueducts that make up the immense, centuries-old hydraulic system of the fountains at the Palace of Versailles.

2018 : Two new contracts on the ITER project

The Ortec design offices and the teams at Orys developed an innovative solution for the welding of the armored doors inside the Tokamak building, the heart of ITER. The Contracting Division won another key contract related to the assembly of the cold sections of the future Tokamak.

2018 : Strengthening of the Sonovision entity in India

With a workforce of more than 450 engineers and technicians, Sonovision bolstered its presence in India, taking the lead to develop new markets in the Asia-Pacific region and winning a first contract in south-east Asia.

2018 : Framework agreement for the connection of six offshore wind farms

SOM Ligeron took charge of the organizational aspect of project management for RTE, for the connection of six offshore wind farms. The teams set up the process for the projects’ management in synergy with SOM and Oralys (project documentary management).

2017 : Pivotal year for the EDG project

2017 : DUS
After participating in the preliminary design phase of the project to install EDGs (emergency diesel generators) in French nuclear power plants, Ortec begins work on 38 of the 58 reactors. Project completion end of 2018.

2016 : Four business units serving our customer's needs

2016 : 4 Pôles
The group is reorganised around four business units: Engineering, Contracting France, Contracting International and Global Services. The aim of this new organisational structure is to respond more effectively to customer concerns by aligning business expertise with business sectors.

2013-2017, acquisitions continue

Ducamp in 2013, Sonovision in 2014, Cico Centre and VDLS in 2015 and Brunet in 2017: Ortec’s various acquisitions strengthen its presence in the environmental services, aeronautical and aerospace engineering, civil nuclear power, electricity, low voltage and climate engineering markets.

2008, an ever-stronger focus on people

2008 L'homme au centre
The group creates the Casque d’Or (golden hard hat) awards in recognition of the expertise and soft skills demonstrated by its employees and businesses, and the “Ortec, Life Together” scheme, which provides support for employees encountering difficulties in their daily lives. In 2009, Ortec launches O’Métier, a training scheme designed to assess, consolidate, reinforce and develop its employees’ skills. In 2012, ÉLÉE, the in-house training centre created in 2002, moves to Lançon-Provence and becomes a full-fledged technical training hub.

a new dimension : 2005, creation of Valortec

Valortec, the first of several Ortec processing centres, is created in Rognac. From 2012 on, Ortec develops a network of biocentres to remediate contaminated soils through biopile treatment, a natural degradation process achieved by stimulating bacterial activity. In 2013, the acquisition of Ducamp enables the group to expand its offering through three additional facilities: Antipol, TRD and VTS.

2004, the diversification process continues

Ortec creates Oralys, an independent agency covering all administrative engineering activities. At the same time, Ortec continues to expand in all areas, including internationally. Most notably, the group begins to transfer its “historic” activities in the oil and environment sectors to the African continent.

2002, implementation of the Ortec vigilance plan

2002 : Ortec Vigilance
The group introduces Ortec Vigilance, a real “battle plan” to step up security. This is followed in 2003 by a security conference. At this event, branch managers and QSE officers renew their commitment to security by signing agreements aimed at implementing customised action plans within each entity.

2000, the first industry decision makers forum

2000 : 1er Forum Ortec
The group holds its first Industry Decision Makers Forum, which focuses on the topic of outsourcing. The event is attended by Ortec’s largest customers, who are invited to discuss and reflect on fundamental issues relating to the economy and industry. This very popular forum, which is now known as O.Forum, has since become a can’t-miss event that is much awaited by all professionals working in the largest industrial sectors.

1999, the advent of the global contract concept

1999 Contrats Globaux
Ortec is shortlisted by BP to manage maintenance operations at the Lavéra refinery, all activities included: assembly, lifting, mechanical engineering, piping, environment, waste, industrial cleaning, electrical engineering, civil engineering, painting, and even gardening. To win the contract, the group sets up a consortium under the name NCM (Nouveau Contrat de Maintenance). Ortec orchestrates the successful completion of the contract, which heralds the subsequent advent of the Global Services concept, now one of the group’s specialities.

1997-1998, creation of the new subsidiaries

Ortec progresses in all areas and sectors with the creation of Orsem (which specialises in the recovery of non-toxic industrial sludge and hydrocarbon-polluted soils), Orys (which incorporates activities and agencies specialised in nuclear maintenance), and Ortec-GSI (an expert in the remediation of soils and sub-soils).

Ortec, the deployment: 1996, Friedlander joins ortec

Plateforme pétrolière "offshore"
With the acquisition of Friedlander, Ortec doubles its response capability and strengthens its national and international network, particularly in Africa. It concludes several multi-year contracts, thus becoming a go-to partner for industrial companies. 1996 is also the year when the group moves its head office from Vitrolles to Aix-en-Provence.

1995, the first "clean plant" contracts

Vue aérienne d'un site pétro chimique
Ortec launches its first “Clean Plant” contracts, designed to offer its customers a comprehensive solution for managing waste from their plants and facilities. These contracts continue to be very successful.

1994, great projects in the energy sector

Ortec is commissioned by EDF’s nuclear engineering division CIPN (Centre d’Ingénierie du Parc Nucléaire) to remove the reactor vessel heads at all nuclear power plants in France. To do this, Ortec sets up a modular, portable and removable cable actuator system, which will be used 10 years later to remove the steam generators.

1992-1993, the environment, a buoyant sector

The Ortec Group is making a name for itself by carrying out major projects in the field of waste management and site clean-up, for example at the Grand Paroisse nitrogen fertilizer plant south of Toulouse.

1992, Ortec becomes independent

As part of an operation called “Ortec buys Ortec”, Ortec’s senior managers take control of their company through an LMBO (Leveraged Management Buy-Out), which they finance with their personal savings and a bank loan. This operation marks the official birth of Ortec, an independent, privately owned industrial services company on the cusp of a new adventure.

Ortec the early days - 1987-1989, the creation of Ortec

1987 ORTEC
With the acquisition of Buzzichelli in 1987, the DMIE increases its potential to carry out works in its own right, and completes its range of assembly, lifting and piping services. It offers construction services (new works) and diversifies into the nuclear sector. In 1989, a new group is created, comprising 20 subsidiaries of the DMIE and Buzzichelli. Its name is Ortec.

1985, creation of the "DMIE"

1983 DMIE
The complementary trades operating in the industrial sector are grouped together in the Industrial Maintenance and Environment Department (DMIE), which is composed of industrial agencies and SOM, i.e. a 300-strong team.

1980, creation of SOM

1980 SOM
André Einaudi creates SOM (Services, Organisation, Méthodes) while working at Onet, a division of cleaning specialist Format. The challenge in the first instance is to respond to the Total group, which is looking for a company to manage the first shutdown of its La Mède refinery. Thanks to SOM, it is possible to completely outsource the shutdown operation while delivering shorter completion times and an optimal level of safety and quality. Very soon, SOM is approached by many other manufacturing companies in the Étang-de-Berre area.

1952 : Creation of Buzzichelli

Dante Buzzichelli establishes a lifting company in Martigues. Following in his footsteps, his son Lilian creates a second company in 1957. The two companies merge in 1960 and move to Toulouse, where they operate under the name Société Anonyme des Entreprises Buzzichelli. The new company specialises in two areas: lifting and mechanical assembly. From 1973 onwards, the company is involved in building offshore oil platforms in the North Sea; from 1975, it helps to build France’s nuclear power plants. In 1983, Buzzichelli acquires Setip, a company in Vitrolles that specialises in pipework installation.

1936 : Creation of Friedlander

Ferdinand Friedlander sets up a boiler works, which carries out maintenance for oil mills and soap works in Marseilles. His son-in-law Pierre Duclot, who takes over the business in 1951, diversifies its client base to include key actors in the petrochemicals and nuclear industries. In 1956, Friedlander manufactures the pipework for the Marcoule G1 reactor’s turbine cooling system. In 1978, a year after being taken over by the GTM group, it makes its first foray into Africa when it participates in the construction of the SIR refinery (belonging to Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage).

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