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Ortec Group’s historical industrial expertise for you
Discover the Ortec Industrie Martigues agency
Ortec Services Industrie (OSI) professional teams in Martigues can help you with all your industrial projects and offer you tailor-made and innovative solutions adapted to the challenges of your site.
France Chaudronnerie, Boilermaking, Piping, Sheet Metal & Industrial Maintenance Association (ex-SNCT) and its Association Métier Avenir (AMA) award their “Marque Employeur by SNCT” label to the Ortec Group.
This distinction recognizes the Group’s commitment to recruiting, training and upgrading the skills of our employees in the metalworking trades: boilermaking, piping, welding and industrial maintenance.
Our team of experts at your industrial site will assist you with a wide range of chemical cleaning techniques: degreasing, deoxidation, decontamination and passivation.
The Ortec Group has know-how and proficiency in a broad variety of techniques to offer tailor-made industrial cleaning solutions. From the one-off service to the overall “Clean Factory” agreement, our teams have expertise in a wide range of techniques and processes, whether manual or mechanised, for your industrial site. You can be confident in the reliability and performance of your installations in the long term, as well as in the integrity of your processes.
Aspiration of powdery materials:
For on-site industrial cleaning, our specialist teams carry out pumping and aspiration of powdery materials, i.e. when the material is dry, in powder or dust form.
Hydrodynamic cleaning from 150 to 2,500 bars:
Recognised as an ecological and efficient process, our team offers manual or customised mechanical cleaning as a solution suited to all kinds of soiling on your industrial site:
- Cleaning HP (High Pressure) 150 – 300 bars
- Cleaning VHP (Very High Pressure) 300 – 600 bars
- Cleaning UHP (Ultra High Pressure) 600 – 2,500 bars
Pumping and aspiration :
As part of the industrial cleaning of your site, our expert teams are proficient in cleaning using pumping and aspiration. With the use of suitable equipment, tools and techniques, they apply this method for a variety of objects: furnaces, boilers, silos, storage containers, cisterns, tanks, reservoirs, separators etc.
Pumping of hazardous products :
To meet your needs in terms of maintenance and cleaning of your production tools, we carry out pumping operations for hazardous products in compliance with the environmental and safety standards in force.
Pumping, cleaning and degreasing of capacities :
Our pumping, cleaning and degreasing services are carried out using the most efficient and innovative techniques (suction unit, hydrocureur, hydrodynamic and mechanized methods) in order to ensure the durability of your installations. The extracted materials will be monitored for reconditioning.
With its industrial experience, the Ortec Group is your partner of choice for comprehensive industrial maintenance, whether predictive, preventive or curative, in order to maintain and optimise the performance of your production tools. From execution to the global management of an outsourced function, our versatile teams adapt to build a solution suited to your needs in order to guarantee maximum availability of your facilities at the best cost.
Overall or specific maintenance of production installations :
On your industrial site, our local team will assist you with global industrial maintenance, and can offer expertise in many specialist areas for production facilities.
Troubleshooting and curative interventions on production and storage facilities :
We respond to your requests with the greatest reactivity in order to reduce production disruptions to a minimum. Our teams will identify the breakdown and then develop the most suitable solution for a fast and secure resumption of your installations.
Periodic visits and major unit shutdowns :
Carried out in compliance with the regulations in force, our regular inspections of the state of the safety installations and equipment allow you to have a useful follow-up to help you make decisions and undertake maintenance and servicing work.
Cleaning, vacuuming and emptying work :
As part of our industrial maintenance services, we provide suction, pumping and cleaning work for all your capacities (liquid or powder).
We have been an industrial partner for 30 years, and our versatile team can design tailor-made solutions and bring together all its areas of professional expertise to successfully carry out unit shut-downs at your industrial site. You will have access to the best experts to oversee this large-scale project with the aim of making the equipment available quickly and optimising your production capacity, whether it be: a planned shut-down to check the condition of your equipment and carry out maintenance, modernisation, or extension or cleaning work.
Work planning :
We support you in the management of your shutdowns, right from the operations planning phase. By methodically optimizing the work phasing and potential co-activities, we reduce the overall process interruption time.
Disassembly and reassembly of equipment :
Our dismantling and reassembly services for equipment (columns, bundles, piping, pumps, etc.) are carried out according to proven know-how to meet all current safety standards and take into account the presence of pressure or residual energy within them.
Removal and handling :
We perform deposit and handling operations of all types and volumes with the preservation of your facilities and equipment as a priority. Designed with our customers, each service is adapted to your needs, respecting costs and deadlines and benefits from all the necessary tests and trials.
(Re-)startup assistance :
We provide you with support and assistance during the inspection and control phase prior to the restart of your installations. In this way, we make sure that your installations are returned to service in an optimal manner.
From collection to transportation, delegated management, consolidation or pre-treatment through to treatment and recovery, the Ortec Group can help you with innovative solutions adapted to your needs. With a branch near you, we can handle all stages of waste management, whether ordinary or hazardous, whatever the deposit, and will be able to provide you with the appropriate solutions.
Collection and transportation :
Our team is ready to meet your needs for the collection and transportation of liquid and solid waste, in compliance with environmental regulations. To do this, we can obtain containers and manage them, as well as collect and transport waste to the appropriate facilities.
“Clean Factory” Agreement :
Created in 1995 by the Ortec Group, the “Clean Factory” agreements are designed by our specialist teams for the overall management of your site’s waste. From one end of the chain to the other, you benefit from solutions that meet environmental and regulatory standards, to reduce your waste at the source and recycle it efficiently.
Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire Covid-19, le Groupe Ortec se mobilise pour répondre à vos actions de désinfection. Nos équipes de proximité accompagnent les groupes industriels, les PME/PMI, les administrations et collectivités locales afin de garantir un usage pérenne des bâtiments, entrepôts, infrastructures, unités de production, entreprises, locaux ou encore parties extérieures.
Le Groupe Ortec, soucieux de la santé et de la sécurité de ses équipes et des équipes de ses clients, a mis en place l’ensemble des dispositifs de désinfection spécialisés dans le respect le plus strict des règles sanitaires et environnementales. Durant les opérations de désinfection, nos équipes ont mis en place une analyse de risque spécifique ainsi que des modes opératoires adaptés au contexte :
- Formation dédiée au Covid-19 pour notre équipe d’intervention
- Sensibilisation spécifique pour chaque lieu d’intervention
- Solution de contrôle pour une mise au travail en sécurité
- Solution de contrôle pour une traçabilité des missions de désinfection
- Intervention uniquement pour nos équipes portant les équipements de sécurité adaptés
- Sécurisation de l’ensemble des zones traitées afin d’éviter l’exposition aux personnes non autorisées
Désinfection par pulvérisation à jet HP :
Dans le cadre des traitements de surfaces importantes, la désinfection par pulvérisation à jet Haute Pression (HP) est préconisée. Nos équipes interviennent sur tout type de surface : sols, voirie, postes de garde, mobilier urbain, entrepôts, convoyeurs, etc. La solution virucide est pulvérisée à l’aide d’un hydrocureur muni d’un pistolet HP. Nos équipes sont présentes à vos côtés pour vous accompagner dans votre démarche. Nous nous adaptons à chacune de vos attentes en fonction des contraintes d’intervention.
Désinfection par nébulisation :
Pour la désinfection par nébulisation, nos équipes d’expert répandent un brouillard de vapeur dans un lieu afin de disperser des microgouttelettes d’une solution virucide sur toutes les surfaces touchées. Les sols, murs, surfaces vitrés, rampes, interrupteurs peuvent être désinfectés du coronavirus. Nos équipes réalisent cette action à partir d’un poste fixe ou mobile.
Désinfection par pulvérisation :
Notre équipe de proximité est à vos côtés pour réaliser des interventions de désinfection par pulvérisation d’une solution virucide. Cela concerne les surfaces, sols et points de contact potentiellement contaminés par le coronavirus.
Désinfection par chiffonnage :
La désinfection par chiffonnage avec une solution virucide est utilisée pour les petites surfaces et matériels électriques et/ou électroniques : pupitres commande, claviers, outils communs, bureaux, rampes, interrupteurs, etc. Notre équipe est présente à vos côtés pour répondre à votre demande spécifique dans le cadre de la crise du Covid-19.
Gestion des déchets :
L’ensembles des déchets solides générés par les activités de désinfection (chiffons, masques, gants, combinaisons…) sont pris en charge par notre équipe selon les réglementations et protocoles en vigueur afin de supprimer tout risque de contamination.
the agency's services
Business sectors
Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals
Food Processing
Transport / Logistics
Aeronautics / aerospace
Renewable energies
Heavy Industries
Tertiary Services
Government & Local Authorities
Oil & Gas - Petrochemicals
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals:
The chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries are faced with multiple challenges. The Ortec Group is a key partner in these sectors of activity, offering a global and comprehensive offer adapted to each of its customers: project management, unit shut-down, industrial cleaning, site environmental remediation or waste recycling.
Energy and Nuclear:
With a strong presence in the energy sector for almost 70 years, the Ortec Group offers its expertise to customers. The cross-functional know-how of the Group’s various branches is recognised by the most important players, making the Ortec Group a major player in the world of energy and in particular, the nuclear sector.
Heavy industry:
Thanks to its extensive range of skills, including its expertise in industrial activities, the Ortec Group provides the players in heavy industry with a wide variety of services. These sectors are connected to the production or processing of raw materials such as mines, cement works, plasterwork and paper mills.
Petrochemicals – Oil & Gas:
For more than 40 years, the Ortec Group has been assisting players in the Oil & Gas sector as well as the major upstream and downstream decision-makers in the onshore and offshore oil industry. With a comprehensive service offer from the design to the maintenance of installations, the entire project life cycle is covered by our local teams.
Prefectural declaration receipt 13:
The Ortec Industrie Martigues is a holder of the trading, brokerage and transport receipt for hazardous and non-hazardous waste (hydrocarbon water, acids or alkalines and aqueous industrial waste). It ensures health and safety conditions for producers, eliminators and any other waste disposal agents, and is able to transfer the collected waste under optimal conditions for subsequent recycling.
Non-Collective Sanitation Accreditation (ANC) :
The Ortec Industrie Martigues, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, possesses the evacuation accreditation for the activity of draining and transportation to the disposal site of the materials extracted from the non-collective sanitation facilities.
MASE/UIC Certification [Manual for the improvement of company safety / Chemical Industries Union] :
The Ortec Industrie Martigues, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds the MASE/UIC Certification for its new works and maintenance activities in mechanical pipework and boilermaking. The certification aims to reduce risks at work through a Safety, Health and Environment management system.
SNAD Membership :
The Ortec Industrie Martigues, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, is a member of the National Union of Waste Activities (SNAD). As a result, it is authorised to deal with administrations for waste management issues: collection, transfer, transportation, sorting, recycling, storage, stocking and treatment of waste, maintenance, cleaning of roads and public spaces.
CEFRI: Radioprotection Certification :
The Ortec Industrie Martigues, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds the Radioprotection Certification relating to its management system set up for the following activities: industrial maintenance and mechanical and chemical cleaning, treatment of non-radioactive effluents carried out in restricted, operational or specially regulated zones and carried out within the perimeter of a Basic Nuclear Facility (BNF) or a Secret Basic Nuclear Facility (SBNF).
EDF Qualification :
The Ortec Industrie Martigues, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds the qualification to provide services on behalf of EDF relating to boilermaking / pipework qualification systems and industrial logistics for the deconstruction and on-site work during operation and assembly on non-operational sites.
contact the agency
17 avenue Lascos
Ecopolis Sud
13500 Martigues
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