Ortec Group breaks new ground in the field of disability inclusion

03/04/2024 - Breaking News
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The industrial group Ortec has integrated the recruitment of people with disabilities as a way of strengthening its expertise. In April 2024 the Group’s disability unit will be recruiting to promote disability inclusion in all its branches.

Inclusion is in our DNA! By taking part in the Hello Handicap virtual job fair from April 23 to 26, 2024, the Ortec Group (14,000 employees in France and abroad) is fulfilling a dual objective: to recruit new talents in the sectors in which it wishes to grow stronger, and to actively contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities in employment.

70 job offers

During this fair, Ortec will be offering more than 70 job opportunities (M/F) in a wide range of professions: designer, project manager, engineer, project leader, technical coordinator, contract manager, technical writer, business manager, draughtsman, etc., in sectors such as aeronautics, energy, transportation, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, oil & gas, etc.

A committed disability program

“In addition to recruiting, including and integrating people with disabilities into our workforce, we are also committed to facilitating job retention, developing the use of the protected and adapted sector through partnerships with specialized establishment as well as adapting workstations” explains Annie Mendella, Deputy Director of Human Resources and head of Ortec’s disability mission.

Employment in short-staffed professions

On a daily basis, Ortec’s Mission Handicap works to improve the employability of job seekers in short-staffed professions. A partnership with FIAM (inter-company job training program) allows the co-construction of tailor-made learning programs. Learners are supported by the Ortec Group until their skills are recognized, certified and validated.

Week of action for the employment of people with disabilities

Every year, the Group organizes debates, meetings and workshops during the European Week for Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH). It’s an initiative that helps to spread the Group’s messages throughout the year on a wide range of subjects: invisible disabilities, musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), specific language and learning disorders (DYS), the digital transition, etc.

Students at the heart of the project

A partnership with ARPEJEH (Supporting educational projects of young students with disabilities) enables Ortec employees to support young people with disabilities in their choice of career path. In addition, our teams regularly participate in solidarity sports events aimed at raising public awareness of the inclusion of disabilities in society.

All these initiatives illustrate the Group’s DNA of solidarity. “We are convinced that united, we go faster and further, and that in all circumstances, solidarity is the keystone of relations between the company and its employees, between the employees themselves,and between Ortec and the world in which the company operates” says André Einaudi, President and CEO of Ortec.

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