Oil tank maintenance or removal

The Ortec Group, a specialist in environmental services, is ready to respond quickly to any contractual or one-off tank cleaning or oil tank removal requirements.

Do you need to remove your oil tank ?

It is compulsory to remove your fuel oil tank when changing or upgrading your heating system.

Due to the type of products inside (fuel oil, deposits/sludge and gas), this operation must be carried out by trained and qualified professionals in order to control any risks for people, property and the environment.

As a specialist in environmental services, the Ortec Group can assist you with this process, from advice to tank removal.

Various sensitive operations are essential before removing the tank. The Ortec Group performs all these tasks, while controlling risks and complying with regulations.

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Illustration-Cuve-a-fioul-5 (EN)

Services performed

Emptying, degassing, cleaning

The first steps involve emptying, cleaning and eliminating fuel oil deposit residues:

  • Extracting the sludge and liquid effluents by vacuum pumping, using an ADR hydro-cleaner (for the transport of hazardous waste).
  • Scraping and cleaning the inside of the tank
  • Spraying a non-chlorinated degreaser
  • Cleaning with pressurized water
  • Transporting and treating/recovering the residual waste in an approved center, drawing up a Waste Tracking Form (Bordereau de Suivi de Déchets)

Once the tank has been emptied, the oil vapors in suspension within the tank need to be extracted to avoid any risk of ignition and explosion.

  • The atmosphere is controlled using an explosimeter
  • A degassing certificate is issued (valid for 48 hours)


Once the degassing has been completed, and insofar as the tank cannot be removed, the next step involves neutralization, to render it permanently unusable.

This step must take place within 48 hours of degassing in order to limit the risks of ignition and explosion.

For underground tanks, neutralization involves filling the tank in order to cover the inner surface.

  • Inerting with concrete: suitable for tanks larger than 5m3 in areas with easy access. This solution is irreversible for an underground tank.
  • Inerting with perlite (expanded volcanic sand): suitable for small tanks in areas with difficult access. This solution is reversible, as the perlite can be vacuumed and the tank reused.

For overground tanks, neutralization involves cold cutting (without flame or smoke).

At the end of this operation, a certificate of neutralization will be issued.

Removal and disposal

Overground tanks:

  • Cutting
  • Removal
  • Evacuation and recovery of waste

Underground tanks:

  • Excavation
  • Extraction/cutting
  • Evacuation and recovery of waste
  • Backfilling

A certificate of discontinuation and a waste tracking slip are issued to complete the task.

  • Safe interventions, performed by personnel with the professional qualifications required to carry out the services
  • Special vehicles and equipment
  • Interventions that comply with regulations, including:
    laws, decrees, orders, ministerial circulars, standards, DTUs (standardized technical documents), European directives and municipal directives.
  • Waste management in accordance with regulations
  • Provision of specific documents following interventions (certificates attesting to the different stages of the work and a waste tracking form)

Details of the MaPrimeRénov scheme:

As of October 1, 2020, the MaPrimeRénov’ scheme is open to all homeowners, whether occupants or landlords, as well as to co-ownerships for work in common areas.

The subsidy is means-tested and based on the energy gains achieved by the heating work.

MaPrimeRénov’ is now the main subsidy for energy renovation, replacing the Ecological Transition Tax Credit (CITE). It can be combined with other funding, including local subsidies and energy saving certificates (CEE).

More information available from:

  • https://www.faire.gouv.fr/
  • https://www.maprimerenov.gouv.fr/


Energy transition law

Law 2015-992 of August 17, 2015 on the energy transition for ecological growth

Obligation to empty, neutralize or remove an unused tank

Order of July 1, 2004, setting the technical and safety rules applying to the storage of petroleum products in places not covered by the legislation on classified installations or the regulations on establishments open to the public

Contact Us

For any questions, please fill in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Job openings : Removal of oil tank

Opérateur Nettoyage industriel

  • CDI
  • Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

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Correspondant Secteur Nettoyage Industriel

  • CDI
  • Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

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Opérateur Nettoyage Industriel H/F

  • CDI
  • Pardies, Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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