Home > Group > Location > France > North East > Friedlander BSL Nœux-les-Mines
Expertise and cutting-edge skills in engineering solutions, construction works and industrial maintenance.
Discover the Friedlander BSL Nœux-les-Mines agency
Friedlander BSL Nœux-les-Mines has been working with its customers for more than 30 years to carry out construction and industrial maintenance work.
We offer a wide range of services, from on-site surveys using 3D scanning, to detail and execution studies, in-house fabrication, installation, assembly and maintenance. Workshop, installation, assembly, testing and assistance with commissioning, our teams are there to support you. Installation, assembly, testing and assistance with commissioning, our teams will work with you on all your projects, offering customised innovative solutions tailored to your needs.
Our expertise in different areas of activity and the know-how of our teams enable us to provide services with an optimum level of safety.

France Chaudronnerie, Boilermaking, Piping, Sheet Metal & Industrial Maintenance Association (ex-SNCT) and its Association Métier Avenir (AMA) award their “Marque Employeur by SNCT” label to the Ortec Group.
This distinction recognizes the Group’s commitment to recruiting, training and upgrading the skills of our employees in the metalworking trades: boilermaking, piping, welding and industrial maintenance.
- Études, fabrication et gestion de projets
- Relevés scanner 3D
- Montage et/ou modification sur site
- Travaux de tuyauterie
- Contrôle, essais et mise en service dépose et raccordement
- Travaux d’atelier ou de chantier
- Qualification de soudage sur tout diamètre et toute épaisseur (acier carbone, inox,…) soumis ou non à la DESP, suivant CODETI/ EN13480/ …
- Requalification et épreuve hydraulique suivant DESP
- Intervention sur diérents matériaux (acier carbone, inox avec maîtrise de l’orbital)
- Travaux de mécanique
- Échange standard
- Lignage laser
- Maintenance préventive et curative de machines tournantes
- Graissage, lubrification
- Révision d’équipements
- Contrôles vibratoires
- Mécano Soudage
- Planification des travaux
- Platinage/déplatinage
- Démontage et remontage d’appareils (colonnes, faisceaux, tuyauterie, pompes…)
- Réparation en tuyauterie et en chaudronnerie
- Préparation aux contrôles techniques et mise en épreuve
- Assistance au démarrage
- Travaux neufs
- Maintenance
- Arrêt
- Contrats
- Réparation et modification de réservoirs selon CODRES/EEMUA (fonds/bordures/viroles/piquages/charpente/toits)
- Montage de joints de toits/écrans flottants
- Fabrication et pose d’escaliers hélicoïdaux/passerelles diamétrales
- Passerelles, garde-corps, escaliers, échelles, petites charpentes…
- Étude et fabrication : EN 1090-1 EXC : 3
Étude et réalisation (de 100 KG à 30 tonnes et de 10 cm à 30 mètres) : ISO 3834-2 / EN 15085-2 CL 1 et autres….
Fabrication : blindage, lames, trémies, cuves en 400 HB / 500 HB / 600 HB
Metal processing :
- Wear-resistant sheet metal
- from 300 HB to 600 HB from 3mm to 100 mm
- Wear-resistant tubes
- from 400 to 600 HB
- Manganese steels
- (type Z120 M12)
- Steels for pressure equipment (boiler type)
- P265GH – P295 GH – P 355 GH (NL1/NL2)
- ASTM / ASME standard available
- Steels resistant to atmospheric corrosion
- Cor-ten A – Cor-ten B – S355 JOWP
- High yield strength steels
- S500 MC, S690 QL, 5960 MC
Our business is transforming sea containers, new or used, into technical containers.
We transform them into mini-workshops, bungalow containers, homes or offices…
Technical containers fitted out to suit your needs:
- Workshop containers with stainless steel, flexible or steel flooring, electricity, lighting, depressurisation system, automatic systems, insulation, doors, windows or roller shutters…
- Skid containers with piping, pumps and filtration systems.
- Containers for offices, living quarters and sanitary facilities, with lighting, windows, doors, insulation, plumbing, air conditioning, electricity, etc.
- Storage containers with shelving, supports, lighting, doors, roller shutters, etc.
We can carry out any type of fit-out, from the classic to the most complex, depending on your requirements.
Services provided

Business sectors



Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals

Food Processing

Transport / Logistics

Aeronautics / aerospace

Renewable energies

Heavy Industries

Tertiary Services

Government & Local Authorities


Oil & Gas - Petrochemicals
Food processing:
The Ortec Group has been assisting the agrifood industry for more than 30 years. From execution to the outsourced management of services, the Group can call upon expertise and know-how to serve this vital economic sector.
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals:
The chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries are faced with multiple challenges. The Ortec Group is a key partner in these sectors of activity, offering a global and comprehensive offer adapted to each of its customers: project management, unit shut-down, industrial cleaning, site environmental remediation or waste recycling.
Heavy industry:
Thanks to its extensive range of skills, including its expertise in industrial activities, the Ortec Group provides the players in heavy industry with a wide variety of services. These sectors are connected to the production or processing of raw materials such as mines, cement works, plasterwork and paper mills.
Petrochemicals – Oil & Gas:
For more than 40 years, the Ortec Group has been assisting players in the Oil & Gas sector as well as the major upstream and downstream decision-makers in the onshore and offshore oil industry. With a comprehensive service offer from the design to the maintenance of installations, the entire project life cycle is covered by our local teams.


EDF UTO qualification:
Friedlander BSL is qualified to provide services on behalf of EDF relating to the following qualification systems: boilermaking/pipework, analysis, measurement and testing, electricity & control, NDT-CND, civil engineering, HVAC engineering, industrial logistics, rotating machinery, valve maintenance, large component operations, tools and consumables, intellectual services, technical assistance, transport.
Radiation protection certification:
Friedlander BSL holds Radiation Protection Certification for its management system set up for maintenance work or intervention activities, for the types of Zones surveillées, contrôlées, within the following installations of INB, INBS and all types of industrial and research installations.
Prefectural declaration receipt 13:
The Friedlander BSL Nœux-les-Mines agency is a holder of the trading, brokerage and transport receipt for hazardous and non-hazardous waste (hydrocarbon water, acids or alkalines and aqueous industrial waste). It ensures health and safety conditions for producers, eliminators and any other waste disposal agents, and is able to transfer the collected waste under optimal conditions for subsequent recycling.
ISO 9001-2015 certification:
Friedlander BSL holds ISO 9001-2015 Certification for the design, construction and maintenance of industrial facilities in piping, boiler making, mechanics and metal structure.
ISO 45001 certification:
Friedlander BSL holds ISO 9001-2015 Certification for project management and support activities for metalworking, boilermaking, piping, industrial maintenance, industrial shutdowns.
EN 1090-1 certification:
Friedlander BSL holds EN 1090-1 conformity certification for factory production control in the manufacture of metal structural components.
Contact The agency
Rue Cugnot
Z.I. N°1 Noeux / Labourse
62290 Nœux-les-Mines
"*" indicates required fields
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