Traceability of waste
Ortec supports you in the implementation and use of Trackdéchets

For a continuous and serene traceability of waste

The Ortec Group supports the waste industry in improving the traceability of transported volumes by means of TrackDéchets, a free digital tool developed by the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. A reinforced quality of service in compliance with current environmental standards.

Ortec at the side of industrialists and local authorities

All the economic players in the sector must be able to present a detailed follow-up of their waste treatment. Monitoring, traceability, transparency and reliability throughout the chain are the key words of this approach, which the Ortec Group is committed to for its clients’ activities with the same rigour as for its own activities (collection, sorting/transit/regrouping, treatment).

TrackDéchets: a legal obligation

The obligation to use the TrackDéchets digital solution from January 1st, 2022 was formalised in Decree 2021-321 dated of March 25th, 2021 relating to the traceability of waste, excavated soil and sediments taken in the framework of the AGEC law. It applies to all actors in the waste chain of various types (producers, collectors / aggregators, treatment facilities, transporters, traders).

What types of waste are concerned ?

The application provides traceability of hazardous waste (liquid fuels, paints and varnishes, organic solvents, batteries) as well as infectious waste, refrigerants, end-of-life vehicles (ELV) and asbestos. The tool can also track non-hazardous non-inert waste and excavated soil and sediment.

The advantages of TrackDéchets

Dematerialisation of hazardous waste tracking slips (BSDD in French)

  • Transparency and security of the waste chain
  • Simplification of traceability management
  • Saving time and reducing costs
  • Availability of monitoring information in real time (for industry and public authorities)

What happens to the waste management tools?

They must be kept by the manufacturers. Indeed, although TRACK DECHETS handles traceability, it is not a waste management tool (no invoicing, order form, etc.).

Ortec has interfaced its GEODE waste management tool with TrackDéchets

Trackdéchets : the first steps

  • How to create an account or join an existing establishment?
  • How do I retrieve my signature code?
  • How to digitally sign for waste collection directly on the collection operator’s tablet or smartphone?

Ortec supports you in this transition and ensures that your waste is managed in the most optimal conditions.

If you have any questions, need help or need support during this transition, all our teams are at your disposal


If you have any questions, please fill out the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.