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A comprehensive engineering offer for all your projects
Discover the SOM Ligeron Bagneux agency
With a high level of competency, the SOM Ligeron Bagneux, as a major player in project and risk management, will work alongside you. These expertises allow our customers from all industrial sectors who design and operate complex systems to have access to high value-added services to guarantee the achievement of their objectives by minimizing uncertainties and redesign.
SOM LIGERON has the capacity to provide a consulting offer in Project Management Assistance for the critical implementation phase of Major Projects. SOM Ligeron’s offer encompasses the support and culture change necessary for project management (Project Management and Systems Engineering) in order to ensure that supervisory bodies have an appropriate vision and that operational staff know how to behave in response to the agreed requirements.
Our consulting services are deployed in the following areas:
- Organization with respect to project funders
- Industrial policy
- Implementation of the operational organization
- Project structuring
- Upstream definition of needs
- Master schedules
- Estimations
- Project risks
- Regulations
Thanks to its global offer, SOM LIGERON can provide you with support for R&D projects, product or process implementation projects, refurbishment projects and dismantling projects. This combines all aspects of your project management ensures that you have a clear view of overall progress at all times.
Your project requires rigorous organization, monitoring and control in order to respect the performance, deadlines and funding planned in a specific risk context. Our team will be at your side to monitor progress throughout your project.
We deploy methods and tools for each of the following aspects of Project Management:
- Project structuring
- Drafting of management baseline documents
- Controlling project risks
- Controlling costs
- Scheduling
- Assistance with awarding and monitoring contracts
- Assistance with contracting
- Structuring and managing projects
- Quality management
- Contract Management
Through its global “Project Management” offer, our branch adapts to the specific needs of each customer. All aspects of project management and systems engineering are combined to provide customers with a clear vision of the progress of their project at all times.
As a systems engineering specialist, our branch studies and optimizes system configurations and operations. Our team provides data requirements and traceability support on with the most demanding projects.
We deploy methods and tools for each of the following aspects of systems engineering:
- Statement of needs
- Analysis of value/Design choice
- Management of requirements
- Management of requirements with respect to operational dependability/ILS/ergonomics/human & organizational/BIM
- Interface management
- Configuration management
- PLM implementation support
To assist industrialists with their legal obligation to ensure the compliance of their facilities, prevent risks and have action plans to protect themselves in the event of accidents, our branch provides concrete and practical solutions, focused on industrial risks and the related challenges.
Operational dependability:
The challenges of Operational Dependability involve the long-term control of the following system performances:
- Reliability (Operating without failure over a given time period)
- Maintainability (Repaired in the shortest possible time)
- Availability (In good working order at any given time)
- Security (Remain secure in the event of failure)
Software quality and security:
Quality assurance is the implementation of an appropriate set of specific and systematic provisions designed to give confidence that the required quality will be achieved. Quality assurance applied to software therefore covers all the provisions that will be implemented throughout the software life cycle.
The quality of a software product depends on the quality of its development.
SQA missions comprise:
- defining the quality objectives to be achieved and the method, tools and techniques to be used,
- defining quality actions (upstream) and implementing them,
- monitoring and measuring software quality.
Statistics & Data Science:
SOM Ligeron carries out Data Science studies, mainly in the industrial field. Our teams carry out the following activities:
- Development of information systems and databases
- Analysis of feedback
- Observation modeling
- Production system quality assessments
- Test or simulation design
- Setting quality targets
- Cost analyses and forecasting
- Flow management and optimization
- Creation of dedicated decision support applications
- Big Data studies
Nuclear Safety:
SOM Ligeron carries out assignments for its customers relating to the acquisition and maintenance of nuclear safety levels on infrastructures and other methods of moving and transporting weapons components, which must be guaranteed throughout their operational life.
Our teams provide services for the acquisition of nuclear safety (drafting of safety procedures, requirements, safety options, safety files, qualification files) and for the maintenance of safety (drafting of safety work files, analysis of the impact on nuclear safety of Technical Events and request for upgrades).
Pyrotechnics safety:
Within the framework of Decree 2013-973 of 29 October 2013 on the prevention of the specific risks to which workers are exposed during pyrotechnic activities, our customers have entrusted us with their Pyrotechnic Work Safety Studies. These studies form part of our customers’ safety reference system.
For one of our customers, we carried out Pyrotechnic Work Safety Studies for the following centers:
- CEA GRAMAT: Storage – Preparation – Firing platform testing – Projectile launcher testing
- CEA CESTA: Vibration/temperature testing – Firing platform testing – Preparation
Fire safety:
SOM Ligeron provides fire safety services for its customers, including the following fire safety studies:
- 2D fire modeling
- 3D fire modeling
- Fire duration calculations
- Fire non-aggression studies of sensitive targets
- Mapping of danger zones with regulatory thermal flows
- Smoke extraction/smoke propagation modeling
SOM Ligeron teams also carry out thermo-mechanical studies:
- Fire stability studies of buildings under standard or natural fire conditions
- Conduction calculations
Ergonomics and Human & Organizational Factors:
SOM Ligeron branch teams can assist you with:
- Controlling the risks relating to human and organizational factors in projects
- Identifying and preventing risks of errors and work fatigue
- Designing safe and efficient MMIs, equipment and workspaces
- Developing safe and efficient professional and management practices
- Controlling technical and organizational developments
- Understanding and acting effectively with respect to organizational dysfunctions
- Improving learning from experience
- Meeting customer or regulatory requirements
Our teams assist you in drawing up appropriate and realistic maintenance policies that are specific to your industrial issues. Whether for aircraft, transport equipment, weapons or industrial sites, we are at your side to optimize, increase the reliability and improve the performance of your assets or means of production. From consulting to feedback analysis, our teams are with you every step of the way.
Integrated Logistics Support:
SOM Ligeron deploys methods and tools in Integrated Logistics Support. This global and iterative approach of Management and Technical activities:
- takes into account, from the design stage, user constraints related to operations and support,
- involves a global acquisition program by designing an appropriate and coherent support system,
- acquires the support system,
- ensures support during use at a controlled (optimized) cost according to operational needs (use profile, OPEX, etc.).
Obsolescence :
For its customers, SOM LIGERON draws up:
- Obsolescence plans to determine the preventive measures, verification and actions to be planned in relation to obsolescence
- Obsolescence risk analyses
- Definitions of obsolescence decision criteria, including cost
- Obsolescence strategies per type of equipment: reactive, preventive or intermediate (preventive – passive)
- Obsolescence treatment processes including obsolescence monitoring
Maintenance optimization:
Maintenance optimization is a source of productivity and therefore a source of profit. SOM Ligeron develops methods and tools for its customers’ projects and operating sites or processes in order to tailor the right maintenance to a specific Production or Availability target.
Reliability-Based Maintenance (RBM) provides our customers with integration of their own feedback in order to optimize the maintenance policy and tasks.
SOM Ligeron integrates KPIs into its interventions, allowing our customers to adjust maintenance to their exact needs.
Smart-LI, the versatile ILS data management solution. This versatile and flexible tool for Integrated Logistics Support was developed by our SOM Ligeron teams, and allows you to import, analyze, modify and convert data from a bill of material, an excel file, a “TEXT” DUMP or an S3000L XML file.
We support you with a harmonized, customizable and adjustable LSA (Logistics Support Analysis) solution: Smart-LI.
The Institut Ligeron is an accredited training organization that was created to enable our engineers and customers to enhance their knowledge and technical skills in line with developments in project management and risk management.
The Institut Ligeron® is now a real platform for discussion and sharing, bringing together corporate players, university and engineering school professors and company consultants.
Everyone involved works together to achieve the same objectives, namely to develop their businesses and improve their practices.
The teams at SOM Ligeron have developed a number of digital tools for their customers. This is because digital technology enhances productivity, rigor and traceability, which is a guarantee of quality for our customers. Here is a sample of our digital developments and adaptations:
O’Board is a management tool that provides project managers and company executives real-time visibility of configurable KPIs. In order to pre-empt drifts and operate transparently, this progress sharing is available on computers or smartphones without waiting for project monitoring meetings. O’Board can track one or more projects simultaneously.
Our teams have developed this tool to structure and clarify the monitoring of contracts from a contract management perspective. Providing a quick summary, MACOD facilitates rapid decision-making in contract management.
This is a tool for achieving functional consistency and performance of systems, subsystems and assemblies. This consistency is crucial.
Planning Tool :
Based on MS PROJECT software, this tool allows you to quickly and directly create schedule summaries, master schedules or sub-system schedules. It is an ideal tool for improving the efficiency of your project through communication at all levels. The tool uses an automation process to reduce the time spent on data entry and reporting.
This tool generates requirements while linking them to their validations, thus allowing System/Sub-System traceability. In addition, this tool prepares requirements in accordance with Doors® input data requirements.
G’CONF is a powerful configuration management tool enabling you to define configuration items and structure your documentation according to the different applicable configurations.
Plateforme collaborative via des outils types PLM :
Thanks to its solid skills in Project Management and Systems Engineering, Ortec Engineering brings credibility and know-how to advise you in order to:
- Formalize your digital needs
- Recommend a PLM solution
- Elaborate new engineering processes
- Implement and deploy
- Support cultural change
- Coordinate PLM processes on your projects
Risk Database :
This tool has been designed for risk management, allowing you to create an automatic R&O data sheet for each risk and opportunity identified, along with an action plan and the associated criticality.
Once the risks have been identified, this tool allows you to use a Monte-Carlo simulation to define the necessary provision for the R&O of your project.
Arbre-Analyste :
This fault tree modeling tool was developed jointly by engineers from SOM Ligeron, Thalès and Naval Group, for system safety and reliability studies.
Arbre-Analyste is free to use and distribute and is based on 2 pillars:
- XFTA: a high-performance calculation engine that benefits from the latest developments in the field
- Open-PSA: a recording format providing perfect interoperability and guaranteeing the durability of your studies
System-Analyste :
This Model Based Safety Analysis (MSBA) modeling tool is free to use and distribute, and is developed and maintained by the same team as Arbre-Analyst.
From a system representation, it automatically generates a FMEA, a step-by-step simulation, reliability, testability and availability calculations, as well as stock sizing or fault tree generation in Open-PSA format.
Fire-Analyste :
This fire simulation tool is developed by a SOM Ligeron specialist engineer, based on analytical calculations of radiative heat flows from NUREG 1805. Several correlations of the solid flame method are included in the code to treat different fire sources (small electrical equipment, hydrocarbon slicks, etc.).
This tool generates a S3000L-compliant XML file containing all the support data from the Logistic Support Analyses (LSA). Smart-LI can also be used to transpose a 1388 Database into a S3000L Database. It can also output 1388 DUMPs.
Smart-LI is an internal ILS (Integrated Logistics Support) data processing tool to help you carry out your tooling services.
Smart-LI has been designed according to the 2 main ILS specifications: MIL-STD-1388 2B and S3000L, and comprises 3 distinct modules:
The 1388 module complies with the MIL-STD-1388-2B standard and can be used to:
- Easily import data from a DUMP in .txt format, data from a bulk work Excel file or from your LSA database
- Edit, add or delete data
- Customize it according to your projects and your maintenance policy
- Edit a DUMP in txt format and extract your data in Excel format
- Generate standard LSA reports and those required for your project
- Edit error reports and certificates of compliance with the MIL-STD-1388 2B standard
- Transmit your data to an S2000M tool and to the MAXIMO CMMS (IBM)
- Have quick access to your indicators
The second module converts your data from MIL-STD-1388 2B format to S3000L format. It can also be customized according to your projects in compliance with your business specificities and it allows you to reduce the impact of standard changes and improve productivity.
The S3000L module complies with the ASD S3000L specification and can be used to:
- Easily import data from an XML file, a bulk work Excel file, a 1388-2B .txt file via the conversion module or from your LSA database
- Edit, add or delete data
- Customize UOF choices and their links according to your projects and maintenance policy
- Edit an output file in XML format and extract your data in Excel format
- Generate the LSA reports required for your project
- Edit compliance error reports in accordance with the S3000L specification
- Transmit your data to an S2000M tool and to the MAXIMO CMMS (IBM)
- Have quick access to your indicators.
In order to facilitate your ILS data exchanges from design to operation, SOM Ligeron and IBM have set up a digital continuity between their SMART-LI and MAXIMO tools.
This link enables you to gain time and productivity during the commissioning of your CMMS. Forget about the long hours of re-transcribing all your support data into your maintenance management tool.
Services provided

Business sectors



Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals

Food Processing

Transport / Logistics

Aeronautics / aerospace

Renewable energies

Heavy Industries

Tertiary Services

Government & Local Authorities


Oil & Gas - Petrochemicals
Aeronautics and aerospace:
A historical partner for more than 50 years, the Ortec Group provides players in the aeronautics and aerospace industry with cross-functional expertise and a versatile offer in multiple fields, from document engineering to the production and distribution of maintenance tooling.
Food processing:
The Ortec Group has been assisting the agrifood industry for more than 30 years. From execution to the outsourced management of services, the Group can call upon expertise and know-how to serve this vital economic sector.
The Ortec Group can provide assistance with the most ambitious of projects of car manufacturers for all types of vehicles: passenger vehicles, utility vehicles, future autonomous vehicles, as well as Formula 1. Ortec provides the sector with all its expertise in engineering and design.
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals:
The chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries are faced with multiple challenges. The Ortec Group is a key partner in these sectors of activity, offering a global and comprehensive offer adapted to each of its customers: project management, unit shut-down, industrial cleaning, site environmental remediation or waste recycling.
By relying on the expertise of its engineers to meet the sector’s high standards, the Ortec Group has been offering its multi-profession skills to defence players throughout Europe for many years.
Energy and Nuclear:
With a strong presence in the energy sector for almost 70 years, the Ortec Group offers its expertise to customers. The cross-functional know-how of the Group’s various branches is recognised by the most important players, making the Ortec Group a major player in the world of energy and in particular, the nuclear sector.
In the rail sector, the Ortec Group adapts to the needs of rail manufacturers and operators by providing them with all the skills of a large generalist group, thanks to its multi-tasking expertise. Whether it concerns project management assistance, rail maintenance or infrastructure cleaning, Ortec specialists can adapt to any issue in the field.
Heavy industry:
Thanks to its extensive range of skills, including its expertise in industrial activities, the Ortec Group provides the players in heavy industry with a wide variety of services. These sectors are connected to the production or processing of raw materials such as mines, cement works, plasterwork and paper mills.
Petrochemicals – Oil & Gas:
For more than 40 years, the Ortec Group has been assisting players in the Oil & Gas sector as well as the major upstream and downstream decision-makers in the onshore and offshore oil industry. With a comprehensive service offer from the design to the maintenance of installations, the entire project life cycle is covered by our local teams.

contact the agency
152/160 Avenue Aristide Briand
92220 Bagneux
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Ingénieur assistance au pilotage de projet - Appui PMO H/F
- Bruyères-le-Châtel, Île-de-France

Training: Understanding and interpreting the IEC 61508 standard
SOM Ligeron Institute starts a training session on the handling of the international standard IEC 61508 to apply it to your systems with safety functions.
As a component of Dependability, this training allows you to present and implement the different parts of the standard in your projects (System, Hardware and Software).
Discover SOM Ligeron’s 2021 training catalog in the documentation on this page!
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Ortec Group breaking news

Best Welders of France: three candidates and an Orys workshop at the starting line
The Orys Marcoule welding workshop in Pierrelatte is hosting the regional selections for the Best Welders of France competition.

Inside a nuclear fuel production plant
For the past 10 years, Orys Pierrelatte has been maintaining the facilities at Orano’s Melox plant dedicated to the manufacture of Mox, a fuel made from recycled materials (plutonium and depleted uranium).

Expanding the range of expertise for customized client solutions
The Ortec Group provides its environmental services teams with training in a new mechanical pipe cleaning technique that complement high-pressure methods.