With ATMNI, Ortec Environnement strengthens its offer in the Le Havre region

07/02/2022 - Group
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Specializing in industrial cleaning and maintenance, the company will join the Ortec Group on February 1st, 2022. The Ortec Environment agency in Le Havre sees its position reinforced and new development prospects emerging in the region.

At this start to the year, Ortec is expanding with the acquisition of ATMNI, a company recognized for its expertise in this area of significant economic activity.

Sixty employees will join the Ortec Environnement team in Le Havre, already made up of 210 individuals mobilized every day with industrial clients on missions for industrial cleaning, industrial maintenance, waste management, sanitation services and for unit shutdowns. The new entity will be based in Saint-Vigor d’Ymonville, under the management of Marc Dassonville, the current Head of the OE agency in Le Havre.

“A warm welcome to the teams from ATMNI who are joining our Group. This company is well-known for its professional expertise and know-how in the industry and environment services sector. ATMNI strengthens our Group’s presence in the petrochemical zone of Le Havre and its capacity to work with new clients,” indicates Julien Einaudi, Director of the Global Services Division at Ortec.

Ortec / ATMNI: an acquisition based on complementarity

The concentration of industries, particularly petrochemical industries, in this particular part of Le Havre represents an opportunity for Ortec Environnement in terms of business development and activity. “ATMNI strengthens our positions in the local market and our operating capacity with our clients. We take up these opportunities while putting safety, training and the ramp of skills for our teams at the heart of our development. Recruitment prospects also emerge, with a view to capturing new markets,” confirms Emmanuel Roche, Director of the Industrial Maintenance and Environment Department at Ortec.

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