Best Welders of France: three candidates and an Orys workshop at the starting line

09/01/2025 - Breaking News
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The welding workshop of the Orys Marcoule branch, based in Pierrelatte, is one of the host sites this Friday, January 11, for the regional selections of the Best Welders of France competition. The final round, organized by the Welders’ League, will take place on June 20, 21, and 22 in Vierzon.

Three welders from Orys Marcoule, Audrey Gustin, Geoffroy Cassagne, and Jérémy Ducrocq, are taking part in the competition. “We encourage our staff to participate. It shows Orys’ dedication to training and improving their skills. Welding is our core expertise. It’s important to be present at this type of event, along with our partners and suppliers” explains Julien Pringault, Director of the Orys Marcoule agency.

In addition to team qualification, this competition also promotes Orys’ facilities, including the Pierrelatte welding workshop, where services are carried out daily for the Group’s projects in the nuclear sector.

The Pierrelatte workshop is hosting 22 candidates. Test pieces using various electric arc welding processes will be presented, with criteria including time constraints and welding parameter settings for steel and stainless steel. A visual and dimensional inspection will assess the quality of the work.

Strong theoretical foundations to keep up with industry changes

“I love this profession because it constantly challenges you. You never do the same thing twice. This competition is a real challenge that pushes me out of my comfort zone” says Audrey Gustin, a welder with 5 years’ experience. She is competing in TIG, electrode, and semi-automatic welding events.

Jérémy Ducrocq, with 10 years’ experience in “a profession driven by passion”, sees the competition as “an opportunity to surpass oneself working alongside many other participating welders.” He is participating in the TIG welding competition.

Theo Alvarez, Welding Engineer, and Yannick Puertas, Methodology and Efficiency Manager, will be accompanying  the candidates. “The profession is constantly evolving. These competitions show that our employees have fully mastered the latest technologies and are capable of working in cutting-edge sectors on high-stakes projects” they affirm.

These advancements are built on strong theoretical foundations, which the candidates embrace with confidence. “We keep up to date with developments in welding processes to maintain our technical expertise and the rigor required” concur the three candidates.

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