Innov’O Correspondents Day 2016
From the 2015 review to the 2016 objectives – why it works and how to go even further?
Almost 60 correspondents from different departments and agencies gathered for the 2nd Innov’O Correspondents Day. Created in 2014, the Prix de la Bonne Idée (Good idea Prize) is now deeply rooted in the Group’s daily life. Thanks to feedback from the first two years, the Correspondents can gain a greater understanding of how the programme works and analyse the results of the actions they carry out on a daily basis.
After going through the 2015 assessment with a fine-toothed comb (numbers, types and sources of ideas), the correspondents review the actions taken to promote the challenge to their colleagues.
Dashboards, emails, mini-conferences, promotional videos, chat rooms, etc., plenty of media are used to inspire each other and develop the 2016 action plan. The challenge is significant as the goal for this year (set by the correspondents themselves) is to gather 1,300 ideas!
New Innov’O web space – this is where it happens!
To achieve this target, the correspondents have a major ally. The new website, which was introduced in a preview, is more ergonomic, intuitive and, above all, more comprehensive. With the support of the Correspondents, the Selection Committee and employees, this new tool is much more than just a box of ideas. The user experience is accompanied by new functions and headings.
Recorded in categories and sub-categories, the innovative ideas undergo a smooth and comprehensive validation process.
Presented as a showcase, the ideas are visible to all. Therefore, throughout the year, it is possible to log on, find out and react, as the goal of Innov’O’s is to become a permanent laboratory of ideas, rather than just a one-off competition. Welcomed with great enthusiasm by the correspondents, the new website will be inaugurated in July 2016.
Ortec’s spirit of innovation is everywhere
Correspondents chat with each other throughout their working day about other ongoing and future projects such as the Ortec Digital Committee, Cafés de l’Innovation (Innovation cafés), Innovation Week, the Pollutec exhibition, or about the state of advancement of “Made in Ortec” innovations such as ONE, EOLBOX or the electric power plant. With these programmes, Ortec’s innovation is lived out and shared on a daily basis, and is becoming increasingly widespread. This is a great motivation for the Innov’O correspondents who go out into the field to promote the programme and encourage employees to submit their ideas for innovation.
Innov’O Correspondents Day in figures :
- 27 April 2016
- 60 correspondents currently
- 8 hours of discussion, analysis and implementation of actions
- 2016 objectives: 1,500 registrations, 1,300 ideas