Technological and business innovation: digital technology and local feedback
Continuous improvement of industrial processes
Industries are confronted with a changing environment, global markets, digital disruptions, accelerating innovation, environmental imperatives, and so on. Every one of them has to change, reinvent itself… Ortec has the audacity and ingenuity to shift the lines and build the global industry of tomorrow, with and on behalf of its customers. Ortec’s innovation policy focuses strongly on digitisation and its applications in the field. The goal is to increase employee efficiency, and thus deliver even better customer support.
Innovation according to Ortec
For Ortec, innovation occurs :
- On a daily basis: listen to local feedback and promote operational agility to deliver tangible, value-creating optimisation,
- Together: good ideas stem from past experience, which is shared and passed on to others. At Ortec, we believe in open, collegial innovation. We invite our customers to meet and reflect together on the future of their respective industries.
Innovation management
At Ortec, innovation is coordinated by the Technology and Innovation Department. Within this department, a team of engineers is working on cutting-edge solutions, tools, materials and products.
To better navigate the digital shift, the group has also set up a digital committee. This committee is made up of senior management, marketing, communication and IT personnel, and innovative external partners and startups. The challenge: to work together around projects and build an intelligent, agile “digital offering” that is in tune with local interests and meets the needs of customers and employees alike.
More broadly speaking, innovation at Ortec derives directly from the field: it is based on the everyday ingenuity of teams and individual employees. The challenge for management, then, is to capitalise on this bottom-up innovation forged in a specific context, by adapting it and reproducing it in another sector, at the other end of the company. Ortec has developed an extensive network of innovation specialists covering every one of its sites and branches, the aim being to support and promote the innovation ethos, help employees develop their ideas, etc.
Key figures
ideas proposed since the beginning of the Innov’O Challenge
Innovation-dedicated collaborators in agencies
More than 25
thematic challenges in 2 years
top managers and 12 job experts in the final jury

An innovative & idea-shaking compagny

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