Home > Group > Location > France > Ile de France > SOM Paris
A comprehensive engineering offer for all your projects
Discover the SOM Paris agency
With more than 30 years of recognised knowledge, the engineering teams at SOM Paris will support you throughout the entire life cycle of your projects, and adapt to each of your concerns, thus guaranteeing a complete range of engineering services.

France Chaudronnerie, Boilermaking, Piping, Sheet Metal & Industrial Maintenance Association (ex-SNCT) and its Association Métier Avenir (AMA) award their “Marque Employeur by SNCT” label to the Ortec Group.
This distinction recognizes the Group’s commitment to recruiting, training and upgrading the skills of our employees in the metalworking trades: boilermaking, piping, welding and industrial maintenance.
The Ortec Group can help you with in your administrative activities. Our agency provides a whole range of services to help you to optimise the management of your projects on a day-to-day basis: from the development of databases to the complete outsourcing of administrative resources, including reception and mail management.
Thanks to our branches located as close as possible to your production sites, our engineering teams possess a diverse and complementary skills base so they can address a broad range of needs in traditional technical engineering. You will have access to all areas of professional expertise for a given project in the same place, locally.
Preliminary design studies :
The preliminary design studies set up by our expert teams will define the framework of your potential project. (APS (Preliminary Design Summary) and APD (Definitive Design Summary)).
A pioneer in the production of documentation, the Ortec Group provides assistance for the most demanding industrial sectors. With a complete range of services in the field of data engineering, our teams of experts combine technical knowledge and an operational approach to ensure that data and documentation tools are reliable, secure, accessible and available at all times.
Our teams will help you draft maintenance policies that are appropriate, realistic, and specific to your industrial challenges. Whether it be aircraft, means of transport, armaments… or industrial sites, we will help you to optimise, strengthen the reliability and improve the performance of your goods or production resources. From advice to the analysis of feedback, our teams will support you at every stage.
Dismantling is an integral part of the life cycle of an industrial facility. The Ortec Group is there to assist you during the preparation of these operations, by carrying out preliminary studies and monitoring the project in accordance with regulations and your requirements.
Specialised technical studies :
As part of the specialised technical studies for the dismantling of your industrial facility, our teams will handle ventilation, radiation protection containment, safety, the environment and waste.
Sanitation and dismantling scenario – APS and APD studies :
Our team will provide you with sanitation and dismantling scenarios. In the APS (Preliminary Design Summary) and APD (Definitive Design Summary) phases, the purpose of these studies is to determine the different stages to be carried for dismantling your industrial site.
The agency's services

Business sectors



Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals

Food Processing

Transport / Logistics

Aeronautics / aerospace

Renewable energies

Heavy Industries

Tertiary Services

Government & Local Authorities


Oil & Gas - Petrochemicals
The Ortec Group can provide assistance with the most ambitious of projects of car manufacturers for all types of vehicles: passenger vehicles, utility vehicles, future autonomous vehicles, as well as Formula 1. Ortec provides the sector with all its expertise in engineering and design.
Energy and Nuclear:
With a strong presence in the energy sector for almost 70 years, the Ortec Group offers its expertise to customers. The cross-functional know-how of the Group’s various branches is recognised by the most important players, making the Ortec Group a major player in the world of energy and in particular, the nuclear sector.


OHSAS 18001 Certification: [Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification] 2007 :
The SOM Paris, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds OHSAS 18001 Certification, version 2007, guaranteeing the compliance of the management system for its activities in metallurgy, boilermaking, pipework, industrial maintenance, industrial stoppages in terms of occupational health and safety management, and compatibility with international standards.
CEFRI : Radioprotection Certification :
The SOM Paris, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds the Radioprotection Certification relating to its management system set up for maintenance and work for monitored or controlled Zones, within the following BNF, SBNF facilities and all types of industrial and research installations.
EDF Qualification :
SOM, a subsidiary of the Ortec Group, holds the qualification to provide on behalf of EDF, intellectual services and technical assistance (deconstruction and on-site working during operations and assembly on non-operational sites / studies); inspections, analyses, measurements and tests (on-site work during operation and assembly on non-operational sites / tests) and studies on HVAC engineering.
Certification ISO 9001-2015 :
SOM Paris holds the ISO 9001-2015 Certification relating to management systems for the provision of services in engineering, risk management and project management.
Certification ISO 14001 :
SOM Paris agency is certified ISO 14001: 2015 version, in the following fields of activity: Industrial Risk Management, Calculation and Digital Simulation, Nuclear Decommissioning Engineering, Maintenance and Documentary Engineering, General Installation Studies, Operational Studies, Safety, Risk and Radiation Protection Analysis, Regulatory and Environmental Studies, Studies related to the management of radioactive waste and associated transportation, Project Management, Project Management and Project Management Assistance, On-site Animation in the QHSE fields, Preparation, Supervision, Coordination of Works and Tests, Operational Planning, Training, Quality Consulting and 3D Telemetry. Construction economics, Operating safety, Integrated logistic support, MCO, ASSET management, Ergonomics, Organizational and human factors, Environmental safety, Hazard studies, Project management, Quality, Statistics and modeling, System engineering, Training.
Qualiopi certification :
SOM Paris holds Qualiopi certification for the management of training programs.
contact the agency
Immeuble Antares
77700 Chessy
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Ingénieur d'étude Sécurité à la conception / Risques Industriels H/F
- Montrouge, Île-de-France
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Ortec Group breaking news

Best Welders of France: three candidates and an Orys workshop at the starting line
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Inside a nuclear fuel production plant
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Expanding the range of expertise for customized client solutions
The Ortec Group provides its environmental services teams with training in a new mechanical pipe cleaning technique that complement high-pressure methods.