ORTEC acquires SOLEO and together they create a new national leader on the polluted sites and soils market

08/02/2021 - Press
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The ORTEC Group, a long-standing player in the decontamination of polluted sites and soils, continues its development on a market linked to ecological transition and climate change through combating land degradation. The new entity, dubbed ORTEC-SOLEO, has produced a turnover of more than €70m and employs 180 people, spread out over 26 sites in France.

The strong geographic and sectoral compatibility of SOLEO and ORTEC GENERALE DE DEPOLLUTION (OGD) – an ORTEC subsidiary dedicated to decontamination – will enable them to offer a new, wider range of services, while offering the possibility of submitting bids to public or private large-scale invitations to tender in a comprehensive and autonomous manner.

Julien Einaudi, Director of the ORTEC Group Global Services Department: “I am thrilled to welcome SOLEO’s teams, which are well known for their skill, technical expertise and ability to innovate. We share the same values: team safety, site management, and a focus on results and innovation. We offer local services that fulfill the “custom” aspects of each mission, while mastering the increasingly complex environmental technologies and both the on- and off-site processing techniques expected by our clients. Together ORTEC and SOLEO have become the leading player in the field of polluted sites and soils in France.”

According to Stéphane Rihouey, SOLEO’s Chairman, “Joining ORTEC offers SOLEO’s employees an excellent opportunity for professional development within a family-owned industrial Group. SOLEO and ORTEC share common views and values based on a strong technical service culture and organizations built around local branches that are managed by entrepreneurs. We are motivated by our shared passion for our professions and their human dimension.”

ORTEC-SOLEO, joins the Global Services department directed by Julien Einaudi.


Press Contact:

Pascal Tanchoux


Tel: 06 46 77 30 93

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