Key figures
Ortec operates in 28 countries across 4 continents. Bolstered by its in-depth knowledge of local contexts and of the industrial sector’s specific demands, Ortec relies on its ability to listen and on the complementary nature of its core businesses to implement the very best solutions for its customers.
Ortec in 2024:

in France

Global presence, local response:
Ortec operates in 28 countries across 4 continents. Bolstered by its in-depth knowledge of local contexts and of the industrial sector’s specific demands, Ortec relies on its ability to listen and on the complementary nature of its core businesses to implement the very best solutions for its customers.

€ 1.4 bn
200 M€ investments over the last 5 years



More than 200 branches to assist you with your projects!

Risk management / Environmental protection
By the very nature of our core businesses and the values we uphold, we provide our services in compliance with environmental protection laws, codes and regulations. This is a key issue for our Group, which deploys all means to ensure compliance and apply the precautionary principle in addressing environmental concerns.
Our commitment to the environment
- 0 serious accidents involving Ortec’s liability
- 0 formal notices among the 35 ICPEs (facilities classified for environmental protection) of the Ortec Group
- 17 ISO 14001 entities by the end of 2022
- 0 accidental minor road spills
- 0 pollution incidents
- 7.3 years: the average age of Ortec’s vehicle fleet

- 69,372 tonnes of direct and indirect CO2 equivalent emissions
- Definition of 6 action levers
- 18 climate coordinators appointed
- 87 climate actions deployed
- 10 best practices in energy efficiency adopted by all employees
- €2 in investments planned for 2023 for the O’Climat plan
Responsible waste management
- 83%: overall recovery rate in Ortec treatment centers in France
- 20% rate of progress on the platform for the treatment of building site rubble in France
- 14 “Clean Plant” contracts in France
- 32 waste processing facilities in France and 7 abroad
- 744,419 tonnes of waste treated by facilities in France
- 78,155 tonnes of waste treated by facilities abroad
- 620,751 tonnes of waste tracked and traced by the Ortec GEODE software
Risk management / Social aspects
“Ortec, Life First” is the expression of one of our Group’s fundamental values: protecting the health, safety, and security of all our employees and service providers.
Ensuring health and safety of our employees
- 13,132 project site visits in France and 175 in Canada
- 44 MASE-certified branches
- 16 branch offices certified ISO 45 001 in France and Africa
- 3 branch offices certified ISO 19 443 for nuclear safety management
Our commitment to employee training
- 78% of employees trained in France in 2022
- €13.9 million invested in training
- More than 183,000 hours of training in 2022
- More than 5,900 employees trained during the course of the year
- 31 hours of training per person on average in 2022
- €2,372 of average investment per person trained
Boosting the appeal of the Group to recruit top talent
Ortec is constantly developing new areas of expertise. To support this development, recruitment is a top priority.
- 89% of permanent contract candidates confirmed at the end of their probationary period in France.
- 1,834 new hires in France, including 1,340 under permanent contract
- 5 after-works across France, including 2 at head office
- 58 regional recruitment days and job-dating sessions
- 47 participations in school and regional forums
Retaining talent through appropriate policies
- 55% of internal mobility requests were met during the year
- 9.2% of turnover related to resignations in the works sector in France
- 17.8% of turnover related to resignations in the engineering sector in France
The right person in the right place
We operate in highly demanding sectors. To ensure both the safety of our employees and the satisfaction of our customers, it’s essential to “get it right the first time”.
This means we make sure that every employee masters his or her job and is able to perform it under optimum conditions.
- 209 branch office reviews of alignment with organization charts for the entire Group in 2022
- 168 5S audits and support measures in engineering branches
Risk management / Societal aspects
Ensuring good procurement practices
We interact with partners, suppliers, and subcontractors who respect our commitments.
- 100% of new suppliers joining our supplier database are checked using to a centralized internal procedure.
- 16,015 active suppliers
- 100% of purchases managed by Ortec or Brunet ERP in France
- 3,352 service providers concerned by the reinforced gathering of mandatory documents in 2022
- 21% of purchases covered by a framework contract
Prioritizing employment and local development
As a service provider, we have a duty to understand our customers’ needs and specific requirements, and to be responsive and available, both in terms of expertise and geographical proximity.
- More than 90% of working days at our branches in France take place in the local employment area
- 96% of employees in international branches are local personnel
Risk management / Ethics and anti-corruption
Preventing and combating corruption and tax evasion
- Code of Conduct provided to all Group employees and partners
- 1,697 executives trained in compliance
- 0 presence in Non-Cooperative States or Territories (NCSTs)
- 100% of complex projects and/or projects over €10 million monitored by the fiscal department
- 58 legal and tax advisory partners in France and abroad
read more about the group
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