
Sustainable performance solutions

Would you like to reduce your energy bills by improving the energy efficiency of your buildings?

Analysis and reduction of your buildings’ energy consumption

HVAC work and maintenance, lighting optimization

Implementation of solar canopies or photovoltaic roofs

Digital control of your energy consumption

Would you like to carry out studies to limit the CO2 impact of your activities?

Support with your CSR-related regulatory dossiers

Carbon footprint assessments for industrial sites or projects

Audit campaigns for GHG (Greenhouse Gas) leakage at your facilities

Sustainability studies for energy storage systems

Training courses for hydrogen projects reliability studies

Deployment of our I-CO2 tool dedicated to calculating the carbon footprint of construction sites

Are you planning a transition to sustainable mobility?

Design and installation of electric vehicle charging stations on your site

Access to our Oreve network of ultra-fast charging stations for company fleets

Support for industrial vehicle retrofit projects at our Dantech innovation and revamping center

Are you committed to transforming your industrial facilities for efficient decarbonization?

Safety studies for your future energy storage facilities

Piping work for Green Natural Gas compressor stations

Our boiler-making workshops provide a full range of industrial assemblies for your decarbonization projects: CSR boilers, biomass, new water recycling and treatment facilities, etc.

Conversion of industrial wasteland and polluted land into energy production sites

Hydrogen skills training for your staff

Do you want to reduce the impact of your activities on the soil and on biodiversity?

Environmental impact assesments carried out by our engineering team

Detection and repair of pollutant leaks in your piping networks

Soil decontamination and reconversion of contaminated sites

Innovative design of hydrocleaner trucks with zero emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Do you want to make progress in preserving water resources?

Decontamination of lakes and rivers

Helping to eliminate leaks in your wastewater networks with our robotized TV inspection campaigns and repair by sewer lining

Use of pumping trucks equipped with water recycling systems

On-site pre-treatment and treatment of sludge and contaminated water

Design of water-saving industrial cleaning solutions: cryogenic and dry steam cleaning

Groundwater decontamination

Would you like to improve your waste management by adopting a circular economy approach?

Collecte et revalorisation de vos déchets en privilégiant le recyclage, le prétraitement sur site et les transports à faible émissions
Production de combustibles de substitution
Mise à disposition de plateformes de traitement écologique et de revalorisation de terres polluées

Collection and recovery of your waste, giving priority to recycling, on-site pre-treatment and low-emission transport

Production of alternative fuels

Provision of ecological treatment and recovery platforms for polluted soil

Collecte et recyclage des déchets des parcs éoliens via notre unité dédiée
Evacuation et recyclage de panneaux photovoltaïques

Collection and recycling of wind farm waste using our dedicated unit

Removal and recycling of photovoltaic panels

Understanding Ortec’s offer

What makes Ortec's offer different?

We have been working on more than 400 industrial sites in France for almost 32 years. Our staff members have extensive knowledge of installations and processes, and a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by industry.

Our solutions are pragmatic and aligned with your production processes.

We don’t stop at a diagnosis, but accompany you from design to implementation and offer operational support.

Our independence and our innovation culture are your guarantee of the technological choices best suited to your needs.

With a long experience in Engineering, Environment and Transformation of industrial sites, we have developed benchmarks and proven methods of intervention. We are able to encapsulate the entire value chain of decarbonization projects.

Our teams are trained, qualified and equipped to work on all industrial sites, in compliance with the relevant safety and quality constraints.

Can Ortec help me find eligible financing for my decarbonization projects?

Ortec’s network of partners enables us to provide specific support in identifying financing solutions for your projects.

Our staff can advise you in the early stages of your project, guiding you towards the most effective solution for eligibility, as well as assisting you throughout the project.

Ortec is at your side to help you support your projects, whether through national and regional public funding, ADEME calls for projects, heat funds, FTJ, temporary schemes, or financing solutions offered by third-party organizations.

What actions is Ortec taking to limit its own climate impact?

Carbon accounting

Implementation of a data collection process to ensure comprehensive carbon footprint management on all sites and carbon accounting of goods and services purchased by involving suppliers.


Reduction of our energy consumption, our impact on water resources and biodiversity by developing a policy of energy efficiency for buildings and a low-carbon policy for construction sites.


Fostering of climate culture among employees, setting an example on-site and in internal practices.


Development and implementation of site mobility plans, upgrading and adapting the vehicle fleet to usage, deployment of low-carbon trucks and eco-driving training.


Development and implementation of a low-carbon purchasing policy, extending the end-of-life of products and equipment.

Treatment of waste

Increasing the recycling rate and improving treatment processes for waste produced or collected, reducing the waste produced by our operations.

Which initiatives does Ortec support?


Ortec references in these fields

Reconversion of a polluted site into a renewable energy production facility

Decontamination of a 9-hectare industrial wasteland and transformation of the rehabilitated site into a 4.4 MWp solar field.
The field generates over 5.9 GWh of low-carbon electricity per year.
This output is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 3,600 people and prevents 132 tons of CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere.

Studies for the prototype of the first Sweetch Osmotic Power Plant in the Rhone delta

Regulatory studies and environmental analyses (terrestrial and aquatic environments), site mapping, coordination of impact studies and ecological monitoring – drafting of the technical and environmental constraints mapping.

Reliability and durability studies of hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries

Ortec supports the SYMBIO, PLASTIC OMNIUM and STELLANTIS project teams in conducting their reliability / durability studies.

Emergency decontamination and protection of a waterway

Emergency response to industrial pollution, working alongside the SDIS to secure the downstream section of the Mayenne river, pumping out pollutants 24 hours a day with our specialized human and material resources, setting up filtering booms, cleaning and securing downstream treatment facilities. We also treated the recovered pollutant waste, investigated potential areas of product leakage upstream via TV inspection, and repaired the damaged network to prevent any further environmental damage.

Installation of one of the very first electrolyzers for green hydrogen production

We installed a 1 MW electrolyzer with a production capacity of 400 kg of green hydrogen a day, equivalent to 20,000 km of hydrogen-powered mobility.

Initially, it will supply the plant to test vehicle fuel cells and hydrogen recharging stations.

This electrolyzer marks a major step in the deployment of the H2 mobility ecosystem.

Emergency response to protect the environment from accidental pollutant spills

Pumping and recovery of hydrocarbons following an accidental spill during a road accident (tank truck carrying LNG).
Protecting the natural environment, eliminating pollutants and cleaning up sediments to limit any impact on nature.

Installation of EVCS (electric vehicle charging stations)

Installation of a charging station comprising 4 x 2 x 11 kW charging points for electric vehicles in a company parking lot. Completion of groundworks and installation of an extension box. Connection to the existing dynamic charge manager.

Installation of photovoltaic canopies

Installation of a 480 KW generator as a canopy in a hypermarket parking lot. A total surface area of 2,665 m2 (1,344 panels) for self-consumption with surplus resale.

Energy efficiency improvement work on a chain's network of 16 sites

Identification of energy-saving opportunities and implementation of energy optimization works: replacement of lighting with LEDs, connected lighting controls, lowering of suspended ceilings, installation of BMS, replacement of heating systems…

Specialized piping work for the construction of a Green Natural Gas station

Our teams carried out the metallurgy work for the compression equipment of a new Green Natural Gas station.

Risk analysis for the design of a hydrogen service station

Our experts conducted HAZID and HAZOP risk analyses and conducted audits. The goal of these studies was to identify and assess dangerous scenarios entailing environmental and safety risks prior to obtaining construction permits.

Contact us

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