Ducamp becomes Ortec Services Environnement
Ducamp is a family group based in Amiens and made up three main entities: Ducam, Snam and Vidam. It includes 10 operational centres and its AIRMES (Industrial Assistance for Research Measures Environment Services) design office. The company is mainly based in the north and west of France.
Under the name Ortec Services Environnement, the new company has taken over all the activities of the Ducamp Group with the exception of asbestos removal, i.e. a business volume of €40 million and 335 employees. In parallel, three processing centres will continue marketing their products under their brand names: ANTIPOL, TRD and VTS.
Ducamp and Ortec are complementary in their lines of business, geographical locations and clients. For the Ortec Group, the acquisition forms part of a development policy of the Ortec Environnement department in the north and west of France.
For more information, read the press release about the Ducamp Group takeover